
The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics held the Chinese cultural exchange activity


On November 24, 2022, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics held a Chinese cultural exchange activity. More than 30 Chinese and Russian students from the "SJTU-MAI" program participated in the activity. The event was hosted by Ma Bohan and Aliia Utiabaeva. The event included two parts: a lecture themed "Appreciation of Chinese calligraphy" and calligraphy experience for Chinese and Russian students.

Mr. Zhu Xia told us about Chinese calligraphy, a unique art nourished by traditional culture. He introduced the overview of calligraphy, the emergence of calligraphy, the evolution of calligraphy style, calligraphy masters.

During the talk, Mr. Zhu showed his long scroll calligraphy works. Xingcao, Xiao Zhuan, Wei Bei and other fonts perfect blend. Chinese and Russian students marveled at the length of the scroll, the fine workmanship and the beauty of the ink.

Mr. Zhu Xia also wrote for the students the words "游刃有余" and "铁石梅花". He explained the profound cultural connotation of calligraphy in detail. The teachers and students had a deeper appreciation of the artistry of Chinese calligraphy in pursuit of humanistic artistic conception.

In the following calligraphy experience session, Mr. Zhu taught us the essentials of holding a pen and writing. He walked to the table to demonstrate himself and taught the Russian students to write their Chinese names and idioms with a brush. Accompanied by melodious Chinese classical music, the students were immersed in the atmosphere of ink fragrance. The students wrote a variety of unique styles of calligraphy and exchanged their experiences with each other.

Finally, the Chinese and Russian students showed their calligraphy works and took a group photo. The short Chinese culture experience activities not only let the Chinese and Russian students improve the understanding of each other, but also let the international students appreciate the profound culture of Chinese calligraphy and deepen their love for Chinese culture.



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