
Outstanding graduate | Zhao Zeyang: Staring at the starry sky at No. 800 Dongchuan Road


    Zhao Zeyang, a student of the 2018  SJTU-MAI DBP class, is an outstanding graduate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is recommended to the school of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University for postgraduate study.




    When I first entered the University, I was full of confidence and expectation. I listened carefully, prepared and reviewed, and always liked to ask questions after the teacher. Nevertheless, the fast-paced courses, advanced books and blackboard writing full of formulas in the university soon gave me a challenge. Later, I found a treasure in the Campus - the library. Whether it is the spacious and bright new map or the deep and quiet old map, the good learning atmosphere has always charged me with electricity, and has basically laid the main tone of my four years. Entering the second semester, I gradually adapted to the rhythm of the University. In this semester, there were not many classes, but I was impressed by several. "Introduction to aerospace" is one of them. The amiable teacher Liu Hong is in class. In addition to the aviation concept course, I was also impressed by the elective course of "Aerospace Science and technology and prospects" by teacher Zhao Wansheng. In this course, we visited the final assembly line of C919 and realized the efforts and difficulties of aerospace personnel. This also promoted my determination to learn professional skills well.



    Since sophomore year, we have been teaching in English alone. Under the influence of external forces, I formed the good habit of finishing my homework immediately and never delaying it. My English has been improved after listening, communicating and reading a lot. In order to make myself more comprehensive, I also participated in more activities that semester. In my sophomore year, the sudden arrival of COVID-19 disrupted all my plans. I spent the whole semester online at home. The time at home gives me more opportunities to read the English textbooks carefully and have a clearer understanding of many problems. Although it is online class, the teachers are very serious, there are really problems that cannot be solved, and the teachers will be enthusiastic to help by phone, which is very touching.




    In the first semester of junior year, professional courses became the main content. In this semester, what impressed me most was the aerodynamics 2 by yuwensheng. In this semester, there is another course that I like very much, that is approaching the important tools of the country. We visited many aerospace enterprises in Shanghai through field visits. Among them, the visit of the eighth Academy of Astronautics has greatly promoted my career planning and the selection of graduate students. In addition to the required courses above, I also did some projects this semester. I remember that when I first came into contact with Mr. Chen Fang's "tilt rotor electric propulsion aircraft" project, I was very anxious. Mr. tianpeidong gave me great help. I understood the truth of trying to make progress every day, and also mastered the valuable experience of making UAVs.




    Entering the second semester of my junior year, my mohang life began. I seriously finished the courses in the following semesters and learned a lot of engineering knowledge. In the following year and a half, I taught myself the principle of automatic control, track mechanics and heat transfer, and successfully guaranteed my research; He also participated in the social practice of many industry surveys and increased his knowledge. What impressed me most was the two trips to the Northwest during the summer vacation of my junior year. The first time is to go to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and the second time is to participate in the activity of "Beidou exploring Qinggan". In my senior year, I put more energy on scientific research. As a Xiaobai in the field of control, my study and scientific research in the research group was very difficult at first. But with the help of teachers and seniors, my understanding of distributed model predictive control is deepening step by step.


    Unconsciously, my four years of undergraduate study at No. 800, Dongchuan Road have passed. I have grown from an impetuous and playful teenager to a young man with ideals and responsibilities. I will soon become a graduate student. My story at No. 800, Dongchuan Road is not over yet. I will continue to pursue the starry sky and work harder.

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