
[Labor Education] First-year freshmen weeding practice activities


"Knowledge is obtained from labor, and any achievement is the crystallization of hard labor." Labor is a compulsory course in life, and its uniqueness lies in each person's own perception of it. People can find the most basic meaning of life in the step-by-step labor. As a college student, it is even more necessary to inherit the spirit through hard work and improve physical fitness.

On the afternoon of May 22, all the freshman students of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics conducted labor education on the lawn of east district.

The students watched the video of weeding and took the initiative to learn the essentials. After an hour of hard work, most of the weeds in the lawn have been removed.

Although the weeding activity may seem simple and monotonous, it also requires a certain amount of skill and physical strength. Every student deeply understands that a beautiful campus environment not only requires many logistics support personnel, but also requires active maintenance of our own.




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