







时间 任职单位 职务
2024年1月-至今 上海交通大学航空航天学院 副研究员
2019年11月-2023年12月 上海交通大学航空航天学院 助理研究员
2017年4月-2019年10月 上海交通大学数学系 博士后


时间 毕业院校 学历
2012年4月-2017年3月 上海交通大学(力学) 博士
2009年9月-2012年3月 上海交通大学(飞行器设计) 硕士
2005年9月-2009年7月 南京航空航天大学(人机与环境工程) 本科


(1) 飞行器设计(总体气动);

(2) 飞机结冰及适航;

(3) 非定常空气动力学。


















[1] Liu H. and Zhang C. (2023) Chapter 13, Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Featurees with Ice Shapes via High-Fidelity CFD Method, in Handbook of Numerical Simulation of In-Flight Icing, (edited by Wagdi G. Habashi.),Springer Reference.

[2]刘洪,张辰,孔维梁,黄小彬 (2024) 飞机结冰机理与防除冰原理,上海交通大学出版社。

[3]张辰 译.(2021) 21世纪威慑理论与实践纵览,GF科技ZLXD计划未来科技与未来ZZ系列译丛。



[1] Zhang C, Xu W, et al (2022)  High-fidelity modeling of turbulent shear flow downstream of a 3-D airfoil with spanwise ice contamination leading stall, Computers & Fluids, 240(34):105423.

[2] Zhang C, Liu H. (2016). Effect of drop size on impact thermodynamics for supercooled large droplet in aircraft icing, Physics of Fluids,Vol. 28, 062107. Doi: 10.1063/1.4953411.

[3] Zhang C, Liu H. et al. (2018). Supercooled large droplet icing accretion and its unsteady

aerodynamic characteristics on high-lift devices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 232(10), 1985–1997. Doi: 10.1177/0954410017706991.

[4] Hu S, Zhang C*. et al. (2019). Study on vortex shedding mode on the wake of horn/ridge ice contamination under high-Reynolds conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(13),5045-5056.Doi: 10.1177/0954410019835971.

[5] Tan X, Zhang C*, Wang F. (2022) Analysis of ridge ice induced unsteadiness flow under post-stall condition, 5, 403–412 (2022). DOI:10.1007/s42401-021-00125-7.

[6] Yuan J, Zhang C*, Chen T (2021) Command Filtered Adaptive Neural Network Synchronization Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems With Lévy Noise via Event-Triggered Mechanism, IEEE Access, Vol.9, 146195-146202, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3123050.

[7] Qi N, Zhang C*, Yuan J*. (2021) Observer based sliding mode control for subsonic piezo-composite plate involving time varying measurement delay. Measurement and Control. 54(5-6):983-993. doi:10.1177/0020294020983373.

[8] Pu C, Guo G, Han J, Chen H, Xu P, Zhang C (2023)Influence of flow control schemes of the three-strut injector on the mixing efficiency and total pressure loss for a scramjet combustor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Vol.48(94):36972-36986, Doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.06.095.

[9] Han J, Guo G, Pu C, Zhang C (2023) Influence of obstruction’s unilateral length on flow and heat transfer performance of micro-channel heat sinks with flow obstructions, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol.50,103509, Doi:10.1016/j.csite.2023.103509.

[10] Yuan J, Zhang C. et al.(2017). Chaos and Control of  Ships with Water on Deck Under Periodic Excitation with Levy Noise, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 16(3). Doi: 10.1142/S0219477517500274

[11] Xu W, Li G, Zheng X, Li Y, Li S, Zhang C, Wang F (2021) High-resolution numerical simulation of the performance of vertical axis wind turbines in urban area: Part I, wind turbines on the side of single building, Renewable Energy, Vol 177: 461-474, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.071.

[12] Xu W, Li G, Zheng X, Li Y, Li S, Zhang C, Wang F (2021) High-resolution numerical simulation of the performance of vertical axis wind turbines in urban area: Part II, array of vertical axis wind turbines between buildings, Renewable Energy, Vol.176:25-39, Doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.05.011.

[13] Pu T, Wu S, Xie M, Pang Y, Zhang C(2023)Breakup characteristics of ultra-high-pressure GDI spray of a single-hole injector under various thermodynamic conditions, Energy, Vol.285, 129413, DOI:10.1016/j.energy.2023.129413.

[14]谭雪,张辰*,等. (2021). 近失速形态下冰脊分离非定常流的IDDES和模态分析. 上海交通大学学报,55(11):DOI:10.16183/j.cnki,jsjtu.2020.427.

[15]李冬,张辰,等. (2017). 结冰对带舵面翼型流场的影响及其气动参数分析. 上海交通大学学报, 51(3):367-373.

[16]李冬,张辰,等. (2017). 多段翼型的大粒径过冷水滴结冰特征及气动影响分析. 上海交通大学学报, 51(8):921-931.

[17]张辰,孔维梁,刘洪,(2013).大粒径过冷水滴结冰模拟破碎模型研究,,空气动力学学报,第31卷第2期,第144-150页,doi: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2011.0118.

[18]李焱鑫,张辰,刘洪,王福新,(2014).大粒径过冷水溢流结冰的翼型气动影响分析,空气动力学学报,第32卷第3期,第376-382页, doi: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2012.0127.




[1] 张辰,等.不同来流条件冰脊分离流的不稳定性模态识别,第五届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议,分论坛邀请报告,2023,湖南长沙。

[2] 张辰,等. 近失速冰脊分离流高分辨率模拟与模态特征识别, 第十九届全国计算流体力学会议,口头报告,2021, 江苏南京。

[3] 张辰,等.三维冰脊翼型剪切流的高分辨率模拟, 第六届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议,口头报告,2020,中国重庆。

[4] 张辰,等. 溢流冰无限展长翼型剪切流动的高分辨率 IDDES 模拟, 第十一届全国流体力学学术会议, 2020, 中国深圳。

[5] Zhang C, Hu S F, et al. Modal Analysis of 3-D iced-airfoil aerodynamics based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Techniques, AIAA SCI-Tech Forum 2019, San Diego, California ,7–11 January 2019.

[6] 张辰,王福新,等.基于IDDES/POD方法的冰脊分离流不稳定性数值研究,第十九届全国流体力学数值方法研讨会论文,2019,甘肃张掖,7月22-25日。

[7] Hu S F, Zhang C*, et al. IDDES simulation of flow separation on a 3-D NACA23012 airfoil with spanwise ridge ice. 10th ASE conference, AIAA Forum 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.

[8] 张辰, 等. 过冷大水滴结冰研究的发展与挑战,第三届全国飞行器结冰与防除冰学术会议,2018年,四川成都,6月20-23日。








(6)Physics of Fluids,Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, Thermal Science, Aerospace Systems,空气动力学学报,南京航空航天大学学报等期刊资深审稿人。





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