Advanced motion planning and control techniques for robotics
发布时间:2017-12-19  阅读次数:-

讲座主题:Advanced motion planning and control techniques for robotics

讲座时间:2017年12月27日(周三) 下午1:30-3:00

讲座地点:空天大楼  一楼学术报告厅



       Postdoctoral Research Fellow,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland

       2010年毕业于西北工业大学,2013年获西工大飞行控制专业硕士学位,2016年获荷兰Delft理工飞行控制专业博士学位。现在是ETH 的ADRL机器人实验室以及瑞士NCCR Digital Fabrication研究小组的成员之一。曾在航空会议AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control 上两次被提名最佳学生论文。并且曾在这个会议上担任小组副主席。是优秀本科毕业生和优秀硕士毕业论文的获得者。曾受邀于多个国际研究小组作学术报告。于Automatica, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics等期刊发表数篇论文。是多个期刊和会议的审稿人。主要从事自主飞行控制,故障诊断与容错,无人机及机器人控制研究。



      As the modern robots have shown great potential in helping human being with important and dangerous tasks, how to enhance the autonomy of these robots is critical. Online motion planning and control enables the robots to plan their path online and follow the path afterwards; thus increasing their autonomy. However, the existing motion planning algorithms, such as optimal control techniques, can be significantly affected by model uncertainty as well as disturbances. It is important to enhance the robustness of these algorithms.

      In addition, as the structures of modern flying robots are getting increasingly complex, it also poses a great challenge to the control systems. The controller has to follow the reference given by the operator and guarantee the safety at the same time. In this respective, robust and adaptive control as well as fault-tolerant control is particularly important. However, these algorithms are also faced with great challenges from model uncertainties and disturbances.

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