
Russian MAI-SJTU students had meeting with joint venture CR929 production chief designer Maxim Litvinov


April 3 Russian MAI-SJTU students had meeting with joint venture CR929 production chief designer Maxim Litvinov. The CR929 project is managed by the Chinese-Russian commercial aircraft consortium CRAIС – a joint venture between Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) – that was set up in May 2017. Mr. Litvinov shared latest news about CR929 project activities and tasks. Also he mentioned first year double degree MAI-SJTU students, who are already involved in work process as a real part of production team. 


Students shared experience related to their life in Shanghai and study in Jiaotong University. Provide a brief report about those knowledges they obtain past several months and some cases related to casual life and culture aspects of being in China. Mr. Litvinov pointed out important aspects in study that are worth paying attention to in order to be more effective regarding to current and future projects in the aviation industry.




Writer: Victor Gurov

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