
Life in Toronto—A Get-together between Professor Hugh Liu and Students of UTIAS-SJTUSAA Program


On April 27th 2018, Professor Hugh Liu invited the six current UTIAS-SJTUSAA cooperation program students to lunch. Among them, Longhao was one of the earliest Master students. He decided to stay in Professor Liu's group for PhD study after graduation. Yuhang and Wuji are the first students of the PhD program initiated in September 2017, they have just finished their DEC (Doctoral Examinatino Committee, an annual defense of UoT for PhD students to present their interim achivement). Except for those in the middle of their study, Yimin has just finished her one-year Master study and preparing to return to SJTU, while Hao is a PhD student who has just arrived, ready to explore his new life.

The day was the last Friday of Winner session, Toronto has just been waked up from the long-lasting winter. Spring is such a cheerful season for Toronto, and students were so happy talking about everything they experienced, from study to daily life. Everyone is impressed by the lovely natural evnironment of this city and enjoys the research atmosphere of UTIAS very much. They said they will definitly introduce other SJTU students to join this program and build the best memories for their lives.

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